The Georgia Institute of Technology Offices of the Provost and Executive Vice President for Research (EVPR) are pleased to announce that three professors of the Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering received 2015 GT-FIRE Awards (Transformative Research and Education Annual Awards):

  • Suriya Kalidindi for his proposal, An e-collaoration Platform to Support an Emergent Community for Materials Infomatics
  • Julie Linsey for her proposal, Foundations of a Departmental Incubator for Advancing Engineering Education
  • Todd Sulchek for his proposal, Inexpensive and bendable pumps that utilize waste heat

Funds were requested for high-risk, potentially transformative, innovative ideas in research or education. A significant element of the GT-FIRE program supports feasibility studies for this type of work. Funding decisions were made with a heavy emphasis on innovation and transformative potential.