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NRE Undergraduate Program

Nuclear and radiological engineers are concerned with the production and application of nuclear energy, the protection from radiation, and the applications of radiation in medicine and industry.
NREMP Graduate Program

The NREMP program provides graduate students with an exceptional research environment under the direction of world-class faculty at the cutting edge of their fields.

Our research is focused on addressing global challenges. NRE faculty are known for their collaborative and interdisciplinary approach to research as they leverage resources to tackle emerging challenges.
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Nuclear Engineering
Graduate Program, 2024-25
Undergraduate and Graduate
Degree Programs Offered
Students Enrolled,
Fall 2024
New Sponsored Research Awards, FY24
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Student Spotlight: Anna Schafer
Anna Schafer is a nuclear and radiological engineering undergraduate student from Boston, Massachusetts. In this student spotlight, Anna talks about why she chose to study at Georgia Tech, what she likes most about her major, her experience conducting undergraduate research, and what it was like to attend COP27 in Egypt.
Faculty Spotlight: Greeshma Agasthya

Assistant Professor Greeshma Agasthya recently joined the Woodruff School as a member of the nuclear and radiological engineering program. Learn about the focus of her research, why she chose a career in academia, who has had an influence on her, and more in this Q&A.
Alumni Spotlight: Peter Newby

Peter Newby, B.S. NE 1994, M.S. NE 1997, has a long history with Georgia Tech. From student to research engineer, to serving as a member of the Nuclear and Radiological Engineering and Medical Physics (NREMP) Advisory Board, his experiences as a Yellow Jacket have shaped his life and career in nuclear engineering.
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